123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185 |
- #;+
- #; :Author: Dr. Jing Wei (Email: weijing_rs@163.com)
- #;-
- import os
- from time import sleep
- # import gdal
- import netCDF4 as nc
- import numpy as np
- from glob import glob
- import requests
- import json
- import pandas as pd
- import concurrent.futures
- # from osgeo import osr
- #Define work and output paths
- WorkPath = r'/root/r_base/pollution/SO2'
- OutPath = WorkPath
- #Define air pollutant type
- #e.g., PM1, PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, SO2, and CO, et al.
- AP = 'SO2'
- #Define spatial resolution
- #e.g., 1 km ≈ 0.01 Degree
- SP = 0.01 #Degrees
- if not os.path.exists(OutPath):
- os.makedirs(OutPath)
- path = glob(os.path.join(WorkPath, '*.nc'))
- #线程运行函数
- def thread_work(vll_work, start, end):
- result_work_array = []
- for value_work, lat_ind_work, lon_ind_work in vll_work:
- params = {
- "lng": "{:.6f}".format(lon[lon_ind_work]),
- "lat": "{:.6f}".format(lat[lat_ind_work])
- }
- flag = True
- while(flag):
- try:
- response_work = requests.get(url="",params = params)
- flag = False
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"请求错误一次:{e}")
- sleep(10)
- pass
- res_json_work = json.loads(response_work.text)
- #坐标在国内
- list_local_work = res_json_work['v']['list']
- if len(list_local_work) > 0:
- try:
- if len(list_local_work) == 1:
- province_city_work = [local_work['ext_path'] for local_work in list_local_work if local_work['deep'] == '0']
- tmp_result_work = [province_city_work[0], province_city_work[0], value_work]
- result_work_array.append(tmp_result_work)
- else:
- province_city_work = [local_work['ext_path'] for local_work in list_local_work if local_work['deep'] == '1']
- tmp_result_work = [province_city_work[0].split(" ")[0], province_city_work[0].split(" ")[1], value_work]
- result_work_array.append(tmp_result_work)
- except Exception as e:
- print("发生成异常"+json.dumps(list_local_work))
- else:
- print(f"这是一个空的坐标:{lon[lon_ind_work]},{lat[lat_ind_work]}\n")
- # if len(result_work_array) % 100 == 0 :
- # print(f"当前线程处理开始{start},结束{end}, 已经处理的个数为{len(result_work_array)}\n")
- return result_work_array
- for file in path:
- #全部年份的
- file_path = "result.csv"
- #提取出来年份
- year = file.split("_")[4]
- print(f"当前处理年份{year}")
- f = nc.Dataset(file)
- #Read SDS data
- data = np.array(f[AP][:])
- #Define missing value: NaN or -999
- data[data==65535] = np.nan #-999
- #Read longitude and latitude information
- lon = np.array(f['lon'][:])
- lat = np.array(f['lat'][:])
- #获取非空索引
- indices = np.where(~np.isnan(data))
- #获取非空值
- values = data[indices]
- #拼接(value, lat, lon)
- vll = list(zip(values, indices[0], indices[1]))
- #继续索引记录文件地址
- index_path = "index_"+year+".txt"
- # 尝试以读取模式打开文件
- try:
- with open(index_path, 'r') as file:
- # 如果文件存在,读取文件内容
- index = file.readline()
- # 如果文件不存在,则新建文件并写入内容
- except FileNotFoundError:
- index = 0
- vll = vll[int(index):]
- #将一年的数据拆分成多大一块
- batch_size = 100000
- total_len = len(vll)
- if total_len == 0:
- continue
- batch_start = 0
- # 多少个线程
- max_workers = 10
- with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) as executor:
- for i in range(total_len // batch_size + 1):
- # 尝试以读取模式打开文件
- try:
- # 如果文件存在,读取文件内容
- result_all = pd.read_csv(file_path)
- # 如果文件不存在,则新建文件并写入内容
- except FileNotFoundError:
- result_all = []
- batch_end = min(batch_start + batch_size, total_len)
- vll_one = vll[batch_start:batch_end]
- batch_start = batch_end
- result_array = []
- #并行调用接口获取坐标对应城市
- start = 0
- avg = len(vll_one)//max_workers
- remainder = len(vll_one) % max_workers
- all_task = []
- for i in range(max_workers):
- if i < remainder:
- end = start + avg + 1
- else:
- end = start + avg
- all_task.append(executor.submit(thread_work, vll_one[start:end], start, end))
- start = end
- for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(all_task):
- data = future.result()
- result_array = result_array + data
- #相同地区求平均
- columns = ['province', 'city', year]
- result_df = pd.DataFrame(result_array, columns=columns)
- if len(result_all) == 0 :
- result_all = result_df.groupby(['province', 'city']).mean().reset_index()
- else:
- result_one = result_df.groupby(['province', 'city']).mean().reset_index()
- #合并
- if year in result_all.columns:
- print("============新加的数据================")
- print(result_one)
- concatenated_df = pd.concat([result_all[['province', 'city', year]], result_one])
- # 使用 groupby 进行聚合
- grouped_df = concatenated_df.groupby(['province', 'city']).mean().reset_index()
- result_all = pd.merge(result_all, grouped_df, on=['province', 'city'], how='outer', suffixes=('', '_total'))
- #替换掉
- result_all[year] = result_all[year+"_total"]
- result_all = result_all.drop([year+"_total"], axis=1)
- else:
- result_all = pd.merge(result_all, result_one, on=['province', 'city'], how="outer")
- print("============合并后的数据================")
- print(result_all.head())
- result_all.to_csv("result.csv",index=False)
- with open(index_path, 'w') as file:
- # 如果文件存在,读取文件内容
- file.write(str(batch_end+int(index)))
- # LonMin,LatMax,LonMax,LatMin = lon.min(),lat.max(),lon.max(),lat.min()
- # N_Lat = len(lat)
- # N_Lon = len(lon)
- # Lon_Res = SP #round((LonMax-LonMin)/(float(N_Lon)-1),2)
- # Lat_Res = SP #round((LatMax-LatMin)/(float(N_Lat)-1),2)
- # #Define Define output file
- # fname = os.path.basename(file).split('.nc')[0]
- # outfile = OutPath + '/{}.tif' .format(fname)
- #Write GeoTIFF
- # driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
- # outRaster = driver.Create(outfile,N_Lon,N_Lat,1,gdal.GDT_Float32)
- # outRaster.SetGeoTransform([LonMin-Lon_Res/2,Lon_Res,0,LatMax+Lat_Res/2,0,-Lat_Res])
- # sr = osr.SpatialReference()
- # sr.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84')
- # outRaster.SetProjection(sr.ExportToWkt())
- # outRaster.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(data)
- # print(fname+'.tif',' Finished')
- # #release memory
- # del outRaster
- f.close()
- # result_all.reset_index(inplace=True)
- # print(result_all.head())
- # result_all.to_csv("result.csv",index=False)